When all to-do list items are completed

This trigger will check if all to do list items were completed


With the trigger “When all to-do list items are completed”, you can select any action to occur as soon as all to do list items were completed.

Attention: it will only work when updating records, not creating them.


Trigger -> Action

The most important thing about a trick is understanding its conditions and actions. They have a simple generic structure:

When the condition (trigger) happens, then do (action).
Trigger -> Action

How to create

You just have to click on the "+ Automations" icon on the upper right corner of the screen to open the No code automations panel, and then on the "+ Create new automation" button:


Select the "When all to-do list items are completed" trigger, and fill in the options:

  • Choose the table:
    • Choose the tab in which you'll check for completed to-do lists
  • Choose to-do field:
    • Choose the to-do field to check

Save and choose an action.

For example: the “Slack - Send a message” action. Connect your Slack account, fill in the option such as the channel, message etc

Now, every time all to-do list items are completed in a record a Slack message will be sent to a specific channel.