Centralize all your comments, DMs, and channel messages in one place.

Chat directly within a record or card. Comments will be transformed into a channel within the chat feature.

Communicate with a specific team or discuss a particular topic.
Direct messages
Chat privately with a single user.
Native e-mails
Table emails will notify you of new messages within the chat feature, allowing you to respond to emails directly from there.
Messaging features
- Text formatting: bold, italic, code, links, and more.
- Bookmarking.
- Access a custom form with the record information.
- Tagging people: tag a user using '@'.
- Voice messages: they are automatically transcribed by AI.
- Threads, inside threads, inside threads.
- Upload files.
- Notifications.
- Customize background colors.
- Add permissions.
- Mobile.
Updated 3 months ago