PDF Creator (Simple)

Create a PDF from fields and files in your record


Automatically create and custom PDF reports with your record info.

  • Add images and titles.
  • Customize the displayed fields.
  • Create as many custom automations as you need.
  • Save the PDFs directly into Jestor.

With the action “Create and Save Simple Record PDF”, you can create a PDF from fields and files in your record automatically when the chosen trigger is activated.


Trigger -> Action

The most important thing about a trick is understanding its conditions and actions. They have a simple generic structure:

When the condition (trigger) happens, then do (action).
Trigger -> Action

How to create

You just have to click on the "+ Automations" icon on the upper right corner of the screen to open the No code automations panel, and then on the "+ Create new automation" button:


Select the trigger of your choice to activate the action, then select the "Create and Save Simple Record PDF" action, and fill in the options:

  • Choose tab:
    *Tab that holds the record from which you'll create the PDF
  • Choose field to save PDF file:
    • The resulting PDF will be saved on this field
  • Choose the record:
    • This is the record whose information will be on the pdf. Also, it's the record where the file will be saved.
  • Choose fields to print:
    • These fields will appear on the body of the PDF
  • Header:
    • The Header will appear at the top of the page
  • Choose timezone:
    • This will affect date and datetime fields when creating the PDF
  • Choose date format:
    • This will affect date and datetime fields when creating the PDF
  • Select the page size

Click on save