PHP: Native Methods (Beta)

Common variables and dictionaries

Before exploring the native methods, it's important to note a crucial aspect of creating low-code triggers: the use of currentData, beforeSave and afterSave.

These three dictionaries contain valuable information about the data sent by the user and about the database itself.

  • $currentData: this is the dictionary that contains the information the user has sent by performing an action. For example, if a user drags a card in a kanban to the "In Progress" stage, then currentData['stage'] will contain "In Progress".
  • $beforeSave: this is the dictionary that contains the information about the record before it is changed (that is, before currentData is saved to the database). For example, if a user drags a card in a kanban from "New" to the "In Progress" stage, then currentData['stage'] will contain "In Progress", and beforeSave["stage"] will contain "New". Bonus: if you change the beforeData in a synchronous, before create/update trigger, this new information will be saved to the record.
  • $afterSave: this is the dictionary that contains the information about the record after it is changed (that is, after currentData is saved to the database). For example, if a user drags a card in a kanban from "New" to the "In Progress" stage, then currentData['stage'] will contain "In Progress", as will afterSave["stage"]. Bonus: some information will only be available in afterSave. For example, in an After a record is created trigger, the record's id will only be contained in afterSave, as the id is only registered after the record is saved to the database.
  • $currentUser: this is the dictionary that contains the information about user who has triggered the automation. Particularly useful for identification, as it contains id_user, email, and name.

There are also two other dictionaries that are only present when using low-code Functions instead of Triggers:

  • $recordData: this holds the information of the record when the Function is invoked through a Button + Run a function combination. In this scenario, it should also be noted that N:1 connection fields will bring the first level of nested information. For example, if you have a "client" field that points to a record in the "Clients" table, you can access information such as recordData['client']['name'] without needing to run a separate search.
  • $params: this holds the information you receive when activating the Function through a webhook. For example, if you send the JSON payload {"status":"New"} to the webhook, you can access that information through params['status'] in the Function.

Native Methods

This is a list of native methods and how to use them in low-code triggers.

Create Record

To create a record use the table method using the table name as a parameter, then the insert method using a Dictionary as a parameter. Example:

$obj = [
  "name" => "new record",
  "inicio" => new Datetime("now")
$results = $jestor->table("table_name")->insert($obj);

Edit Record

To edit a record use the table method using the table name as a parameter, then the update method using the id of the record that will be changed and a Dictionary as a parameter. Example:

$recordId = 1
$jestor->table("table_name")->update(1, ["name" => "John Doe"]);

Delete Record

To delete a record use the table method using the table name as a parameter, then the delete method using the record id as a parameter. Example:

$recordId = 1

List Records

To list records use the table method using the table name as a parameter, then the get method. Example:

$filter = new Filter("name", "novo record", "==");

$filters = [
$results = $jestor->table("table_name")->get($filters);

The Filter object receives the following parameters:

  • field: str (field name).
  • value: str (field value).
  • operator: str (operators can be found in the Operators class).
    • Equal : "=="
    • Different : "!="
    • Like : "like"
    • Starts With : "startsWith"
    • Not Like :"notLike"
    • List: "in"
    • Not in list: "not_in"
    • Null : "isnull"
    • Not Null: "is_not_null"
    • Is null or Empty: "nullOrEmpty"
    • Not Null or Empty: "filled"
    • Greather than: ">"
    • Greather or equal than: ">="
    • Less Than: "<"
    • Less or equal than: "<="
    • Between : "between"

The get method receives the following parameters:

  • filters:
    • Type: List of filters
    • Description: Filter records following the filters settings.
  • limit:
    • Type: int
    • Description: Set how many records will return.
  • page:
    • Type: int
    • Description: Set which page will return the records
  • sort:
    • Type: string
    • Description: Choose the field will sort you results. Ex: "name ASC"
  • fields_to_select
    • Type: string
    • Description: Choose which columns to return. Ex: "name,age,email"
  • fetch_type
    • Type: string
    • Description: Choose if will return only the record data or the connect columns also.
    • Options: single, full
  • operator
    • Type: string
    • Description: Choose if your filters use AND or OR combination
    • Options: AND, OR

Create User

To create a user use the user() method, then the createUser() method passing a list as a parameter. This list must contain the fields in order [email, password, profile_id, name]. Example:

$results = $jestor->user()->createUser("","Test123", 18001, "John Doe", false, "member");

Inactive User

To inactive a user use the user() method, then the InactiveUser()_ method passing the user id. Example:

$results = $jestor->user()->inactiveUser($idUser);

List Users

To list users use the user() method, then the get method. The get method accepts the following parameters:

  • filters: List[Filter] = None,
  • limit: int = 100,
  • page: int = 1,
  • sort: str = None


 $filter = new Filter("email", "", "==");

 $filters = [
$results = $jestor->user()->get($filters);


To manipulate files use the File object. It takes the following parameters:

  • table: str
  • recordId: int = None
  • field: str = None
$tableName = 'table_name';
$recordId = 1;
$field = 'file_field';
$files = $jestor->file($tableName, $recordId, $field);

Adding, removing and editing files in an existing registry:

$tableName = 'table_name';
$recordId = 1;
$field = 'file_field';
$files = $jestor->file($tableName, $recordId, $field);

$_file = [
    "name" => "teste",
    "content" => "teste 123",
    "contentType" => "txt"

$idFile = '65525377a0201';
$results = $files->update($idFile, ["name" => "nome alterado"]);

$idFile = '65525377a02221';

$results = $jestor->table($tableName)->update(1, [$field => $files->toJson()]);


During synchronous triggers, you can stop the code execution, rollback all changes and show the user a message with stopCodeExecution().

if ($currentData["stage"] == "Done" && $currentData["amount"] == 0){
  stopCodeExecution("You can't close deals with no $ amount!");


During synchronous triggers or functions, you can show a message to the user after execution.


  • message: str Required
  • type: string = None
    • success
    • warning
showMessage("Record added successfully", 'warning');

Generate PDF

This method allows you to create a custom PDF from a string containing custom HTML, saving it locally to Jestor. The example below is a trigger creates a PDF file and updates a record, adding the file to a files field.

$tableName = 'table';
$files = $jestor->file($tableName);

$html = '<body>';
$html .='<div class="container">';
$html .='        <div class="card" id="makepdf">'; 
$html .='            <h2>Welcome to Jestor</h2>';
$html .='            <ul>';
$html .='                <li><h4>We are going to generate a pdf from the area inside the box</h4></li>';
$html .='                <li><h4>This is an example of generating pdf from HTML during runtime</h4></li>';
$html .='            </ul>';
$html .='        </div>';
$html .='        </div>';
$html .='</body>';

$pdf = $jestor->generatePDF([$html, "A4", "portrait"]);
$files.add({'name': 'file_test', 'localFile': $pdf});

$result = $jestor->table(tableName)->update($afterSave['id_table'],['attachments'=> $files->toJson()]);

Create New File

This function uses two arguments to create a file from some sort of content:

A variable containing the content.
The extension of the file to be created.
The example below will create a .txt file that contains the text "test file content" and put it on an attachment field.

$arg = [
    "test file content",
$results = $jestor->createNewFile( $arg);

Create New File Base64

This function uses two arguments to create a file from some sort of content:

A variable containing the content base in 64 format.
The extension of the file to be created.
The example below will create a .txt file that contains the text "test file content" and put it on an attachment field.

$tableName = "table";
$recordId = "id_table";
$newFile = $jestor->createNewFileFromBase64(["dGVzdCBmaWxlIGNvbnRlbnQ=","txt"]);

$jestor->table($tableName).update($recordData[recordId],[ "files" => $newFile]);

Get Content File

This function gets the content from a file inside Jestor itself. The example below will download the .jpg file from the picture field we passed as an argument and return in base64 format.

$base64Content = $jestor->getContentFile([$currentData["pictures"]])

Download File

This function downloads a file from a given URL. The example below would attempt to download the .jpg file from the fake URL we passed as an argument and return in base64 format.

$base64Content = $jestor->downloadFile([""]);
$newFile = $jestor->createNewFileFromBase64([$base64Content,"jpg"]);

$tableName = "table";
$recordId = "id_table";

$jestor->table(tableName)->update($recordData[recordId],[ "files" => $newFile]);