Table and field customizations
Change it as you wish.
Rearrange columns
You can change the position of each column just by grabbing and dropping it at the preferred position.
Hiding fields
You can hide any field from visualization. Don't worry: it will not be excluded, only hidden. It helps when you have lots of variables that you don't change frequently or automatic variables that are more useful for analysis.
Go to the "3 dots" icon on the right and click on “Hide/show fields".
The checked fields will be visible on your table, the others won't.
Excluding fields
You can exclude any field in your table by clicking the upside-down triangle on the top of each field and selecting "Delete field".
Rearranging records
You can sort your records by alphabetic order (and reversed) or by size (for numbers). To go to the higher number to the smallest, for example, select the "Z to A" option.
Editing fields
You can edit your fields by going to the upside-down triangle on the top of each field and selecting "Edit field":
Updated about 1 year ago