Working with dates in Jestor
Manipulating dates
Dates formats and values
When working with dates inside Jestor, there's one thing to keep in mind that may not be immediately obvious when running a trigger for the first time: date formatting can differ depending on when and how you're getting that information.
- If the value is already saved on Jestor's database, it'll have date formatting. This means if you're running a trigger as After a record is created/updated/deleted, or if you're getting the information through a Jestor.loadData() function, you'll get the information formatted as mm/dd/yyyy.
- If the value is not yet saved on Jestor's database, it'll have a Unix timestamp value. This means if you're getting a value through user input in a Before a record is created/updated/deleted, it'll look something like 1628196834.
- If the value is coming from a trigger, it'll keep the formatting you've set in the trigger. This means if you do something like $date = date('Y-m-d'), it'll have Y-m-d formatting.
Regional differences
If you're using Jestor in Brazilian Portuguese, standard date formatting on a field will be dd/mm/yyyy instead of mm/dd/yyyy, and you should take this into account when creating triggers and functions.
When you want to write a date onto a date field, you could pass the value as Unix timestamp or with regional formatting, but it's a good practice to always use dates in the standard ISO Y-m-d format when saving information, as it will always work regardless of the account's region. Also, filters in searches such as Jestor.loadData() will require Y-m-d formatting.
Manipulating dates
You can use standard PHP functions to manipulate dates however you need to, the three more commonly used functions being:
- date($format, $value): this function takes a Unix timestamp value and converts it into a formatted date.
- time(): this gets the Unix time value of the exact moment the function is called.
- strtotime(): this function can be used either to turn a formatted date into a Unix timestamp or to get a Unix timestamp and manipulate it (such as adding X weekdays).
You can get more information on date(), time() and strtotime() here.
Regional differences
If you're using Jestor in Brazilian Portuguese, be aware that strtotime() will not convert dd/mm/yyyy dates properly.
A common practice would be to convert the format to dd-mm-yyyy with a str_replace() function, which will then be accepted in strtotime() properly.
Example: strtotime(str_replace('/','-',$braziliandate));
Common examples
Below are some examples taking into consideration common situations regarding dates in Jestor:
#When using a Before a record is created trigger to add 1 week to a date.
$date = $objectNew['meeting_date'];
$date = strtotime('+1 week',$date);
#When using an After a record is created trigger to add 1 week to a date.
$date = $objectNew['meeting_date'];
$date = strtotime('+1 week',strtotime($date));
#Searching for a record in Jestor and using a value from a date field.
$search = Jestor.loadData('table_name',['where' => ['id_table_name' => $id]]);
$date = search[0]['meeting_date'];
$date = strtotime('+1 week',strtotime($date));
Updated almost 3 years ago