Hundreds of native automations and numerous ways to automate or integrate your processes.

No-code: 370+ Native Automations and Integrations
In Jestor, you can create no-code automations and integrations with just a few clicks. It’s incredibly fast and requires no technical knowledge.
Integrate seamlessly with tools like Slack, Gmail, Outlook, Teams, and many more. To view the full list of available automations, simply go to the action bar and search for ‘Automations’.
Zapier and Make
Jestor is also available on Zapier and Make, expanding your integration possibilities even further!
We offer an open API, allowing any system with integration capabilities to connect with Jestor seamlessly.
Go to the API documentation:
Create custom function webhooks or use the no-code automation feature to easily connect with other tools.
Low-code: Python, PHP, and .NET
Jestor empowers developers to extend functionality with low-code support for Python, PHP, and .NET. Write custom scripts, build advanced logic, or create tailored integrations directly within your workflows, all while keeping things simple and efficient. Perfect for teams needing flexibility without complexity.
Low-code documentation:
SDK: Python and .NET
Jestor provides SDKs for Python and .NET, making it easy for developers to build custom integrations and extend platform functionality.
AI: OpenAI ChatCPT, Google Gemini, and Native Features
Jestor integrates seamlessly with AI solutions like OpenAI ChatGPT and Google Gemini, alongside powerful native AI features. Enhance your workflows with intelligent automation, natural language processing, and advanced decision-making capabilities—all designed to optimize efficiency and performance.
Updated 2 months ago